Useful Tips for Successful Contract Negotiation with Payors
We have been assisting thousands of physicians over the years to increase their collections and expand their practice. Our team is committed to rendering superior billing and coding services.Very recently we introduced ancillary healthcare services; including contract negotiation services, to encourage our clients to utilize Credentialing and Contracting services at no extra cost. We know “Nothing fits the same for all”. Also, we recommend our physicians demand their annual report card that lets physicians know how they stand with their peers.
Physicians/Practice Managers, are you sure you are getting the best rate available for your healthcare services?
Your practice’s future depends on effective contract negotiation with your private payor plans.
Become PQRS Expert. Negotiate your low-hanging fruit; create your top 10 Dx code along with cost-associated CPT, Monitor your payer mix from year to year because payer contributions to your business can change over time.
Know when each of your contracts expires and how much notice you must give to make changes. Experts recommend the following contractual elements as areas to which practices should pay attention:
• Retro/Authorization procedure for treatment.
• The period allowed for appealing a denied claim.
• Requirements relating to the use of oral or injectable drugs.
• The time specified for clean claim payment, and interest paid for late payment.
• Procedure for adding new service lines.
• The period required for providing notice of modification proposals.
• Cancellation clause, including the advance notice required.
Feel free to call Bristol Healthcare Services to find out HOW and WHEN to negotiate or renegotiate your current contracts to include the best reimbursement rate for your practice. We have been assisting thousands of physicians over the years to increase their collections and expand their practice. Our team is committed to rendering superior billing and coding services.